Best Pharmacy Management Software in Lahore
Revolutionizing Pharmacy POS Systems
Transforming pharmacy POS systems for seamless transactions, improved inventory management, and enhanced customer experience.
- Real-Time Inventory
- Customer Data Management
- Automated Billing
- Insurance Integration
- Regulatory Compliance
- Prescription Tracking
- Data Security
- Sales Analytics
- Mobile POS Support
- Improved Checkout Experience

Pharmacy Management and POS Software in Lahore
Manage Sales
- Easy to use POS for all sales transactions and fast checkout
- View transactions and sales for any date range
- Accept payments in multiple currencies
- Integrate with payment providers and accounting softwares
- Share receipt on email or Whatsapp or print
- Bill Holding option for minimize customer queue
Best Pharmacy Management Software in Lahore
Inventory control & management
- Easily update stock levels for NCD and fast-moving OTC items
- Keep track on fast moving SKUs and view low stock items
- Add Expiry date range on GRN
- Fast reorder with inbuilt Purchase Order documentation and send to supplier directly

Manage multiple outlets
- Manage single or multiple shops in stand-alone mode or centralized mode
- Integrate many franchise outlets and manage from one POS for goods transfer
- Transfer goods between pharmacies and monitor status
Reporting & Analytics
for Pharmacy
- Use detailed reports to understand NCD or OTC goods movement
- Access drawer transaction report for each staff member
- Understand movement of goods over a period of time in each shop
- Trace expiry of goods with Inventory Expiry Reports

Pharmacy Management and POS Software in Lahore
Employee management
- Create users with different access rights and assign them to shops
- Provide access using PIN option to each employee
- Shift End function to help employees to manage cash
Best Pharmacy Management Software in Lahore
Ready for your free consultation?
Schedule today to assess your next software project with no commitment
- Al Hafeez Shopping Mall, Main Blvd Gulberg, Block D 1 Block D1 Gulberg III, Lahore
- 0334-8739892